Learn the Steps Toward Getting All Your Surplus Funds

Quality Recovery Agency will immediately send our customer the Claims Recovery Package for review and signature execution. Another option, you may submit your claim support document to us directly by fax. Upon your signed agreement being received you will be assigned a Senior Recovery Specialists, then Quality Recovery Agency will contact you with a courtesy call, email, or text (your request) to confirm receipt or ask any other important questions that may be important for your claim to be processed lawful in the eyes of the court, and successfully be paid out.

  • Speak with your Senior Recovery Specialist to have them send out a copy of the Claims Agreement to your email, mailing address, fax, and any other lawful claimants regarding the subject case for review and signature execution. We will also send you a copy of court documents relevant to your case.
  • Upon signing and returning of the agreement, and all requested support documents, your Senior Recovery Specialist will review and forward the completed claims package to the assigned attorney. Having the correct information is crucial to get your claim paid out by the courts lawfully as fast as possible. Your assigned Senior Recovery Specialist will provide you with a copy of the surplus claims package with president Robert Coles’ signature
  • When attorney receives the completed claim package the appropriate strategy will be determined to give you the best chance of successfully getting paid your surplus check. The attorney will file the claim package and motion for disbursement of funds, alongside any other support documents to the courts crucial to processing a lawful claim.
  • Once a decision is made by the court, the attorney will be informed immediately of the outcome. When approved the court will issue a check voucher then proceed to mail the check to the assigned attorney, next the attorney will put check in the attorney's trust account. When the check clears the trust account the customer will have two options. First, customer can come by the attorney's office to pick up their cashier's check or secondly, a cashier's check can be sent by certified mail to the address in the claims package with tracking included and emailed to you for proof of service.

All court costs, reasonable expenses, and attorney fees will be paid by Quality Recovery Agency. In the event Quality Recovery Agency’s counsel is unable to recover any surplus funds the Claimant owes QRA nothing

Get in Touch

For more details about our services, please feel free to reach us today!

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